Light and Fluffy Pan Soufflé


1-2 tablespoons oil (olive or vegetable)
4 large eggs
1 tablespoon salted butter
Optional toppings: shredded cheese, chopped green onions, herbs


Step 1: Whip the Eggs

Using an Electric Mixer:

Crack the 4 eggs into a large mixing bowl.
Beat the eggs on medium speed until they form soft peaks, with a fluffy texture that holds its shape.
By Hand:

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Place the whites in one bowl and the yolks in another.
Whisk the egg whites vigorously by hand until stiff peaks form — when lifted, the egg whites should stand straight.
Beat the yolks with a fork until they are smooth and slightly pale.
Step 2: Combine the Mixture

Gently fold one-third of the beaten egg whites into the yolks to lighten the mixture.
Carefully fold in the remaining egg whites, using a spatula. Fold gently from the bottom up to retain the airiness. Avoid overmixing.
Tip: Some chefs suggest folding the yolks into the egg whites instead, which may help maintain a lighter texture. Feel free to try both methods!

Step 3: Cook the Soufflé

Heat a non-stick skillet over low heat and add the oil. Let it warm up slowly without burning.
Pour the egg mixture into the hot skillet. Cover with a lid immediately to trap the heat and cook for about 3 minutes, or until the bottom is golden and the top is slightly set.
Step 4: Add Butter and Finish

Once you see bubbles forming on the surface, remove the lid.
Gently lift the soufflé with a spatula, and place a small amount of butter underneath. Let the butter melt to add flavor and prevent sticking.
Sprinkle with shredded cheese, chopped green onions, or any toppings of your choice for extra flavor.

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