Eco-Friendly Citrus Vinegar Cleaner


White vinegar

Citrus peels (from lemons, oranges, or both)

A clean jar with a lid

A spray bottle


Prepare the Peels:

Collect the peels from your citrus fruits. Cut them into smaller pieces to help with the infusion process.
Infuse the Vinegar:

Place the peels into the jar.
Pour white vinegar over the peels until they are completely covered.
Seal the jar with its lid and store it in a cool, dark place.
Allow to Infuse:

Let the jar sit for 1-2 weeks. This allows the vinegar to absorb the natural oils and fragrance from the citrus peels.
Strain and Transfer:

After the infusion period, strain out the peels using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
Transfer the infused vinegar into a spray bottle.

Use the citrus-infused vinegar to clean surfaces such as countertops, sinks, and tiles. Simply spray the solution on the surface and wipe it clean with a cloth.

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