DIY Banana Peel Liquid Fertilizer


1 liter (about 1 quart) of water
4-5 banana peels
A container with a lid (like a water bottle or jar)


Prepare the Banana Peels: Chop the banana peels into small pieces to facilitate faster decomposition and nutrient release.

Combine Ingredients: Place the chopped peels into the container.

Add Water: Pour the water into the container, covering the banana peels completely.

Infusion Time: Seal the container with the lid and let it sit for 7-14 days. Shake the container gently every few days to mix the contents and speed up the infusion process.

Strain and Use: After the infusion period, strain out the banana peels, leaving behind the nutrient-rich liquid.

Application: Use the liquid fertilizer to water your plants, applying it directly to the soil around the base of your plants.


Nutrient-Rich: Provides essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium to support healthy plant growth.
Eco-Friendly: A sustainable way to reuse organic waste and reduce household trash.

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